Thursday, April 12, 2012

Dedication vs Obsession

I was chatting with one of my girlfriends who is also a bit of a gym junkie also and we found it funny that when you start giving a shit about what you eat and how you live your life that people around you suprisingly become bitter. You would think to yourself that people would be happy and credit you with the fact that you are living healthy, eating clean and exercising ... God forbid the thought that you were actually doing whatever you could to stay illness free - but HELL NO that isn't the case.

It seems these days that some people confuse the meaning of 'DEDICATION' with 'OBSESSION'. Rather than giving praise or commending you on your committment to 'yourself' they would rather stand around the 'water cooler' and bitch about how skinny you are getting ... SHIT - she must have a eating disorder. Conversations turn from how 'unhealthy' it is to exercise that much - little do these ignorant people know about how much exercise is carried out vs how much calorie intake there is.

So basically my blog is to simply say ignore the people who have simple lives and feel the need to bring yours down to excite their own. Be PROUD that you are dedicated enought to get your ass out of bed and workout on those cold mornings - be PROUD enough that you are dedicated at passing on that delicious chocolate cake because you know that an overload of sugar just aint healthy - be PROUD that you have the balls to live your life your way - by your standards.

Ok now that my rant is over - I will add that my training is kicking butt! I have lost a dress size & most importantly I have improved with my strength & cardio! I can now squat 80kg for 4 solid reps @ 2 sets ... and I can now comfortably row 110mins at level 10 with an average speed of 2:30/500. It is amazing what you can do when you seriously put your mind to it.

Focus on your goals daily..... surround yourself with likeminded people .... and live your life being the BEST version of you!

Bring on the next week!

Love SS

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Indoor Vs Outdoors

This week I have discovered just how cool and effective using heart rate monitor can be. I have always just relied on the amount of sweat I have at the end of a training session or that feeling of nausea to know I have trained hard. Little did I know just how important and how wrong I was getting it when it came to monitoring my calorie intake vs out-take.

Every morning I strap on my heart -rate monitor ( POLAR really is kick-arse) and I focus on the rate of my heart, always keeping it within my 'fat burning' zone when working out - for me that is around 135-155. It's not just good to keep track of your 'zones' but it also keeps you motivated knowing that if you take the stairs rather than the lift you can and will burn more calories. Having that visual helps BIG TIME.

This week, thanks to the help of my lovely boyfriend I have introduced 'Outdoor Running'. I will be the first to admit that when it comes to indoor cardio, be it Spin Class; Running 10kms on a treadmill, rowing, boxing; supersets etc I am pretty fit, hell I'm a BEAST. Outdoor Cardio is a whole new ball game and one that I have a real love/hate relationship with.

We have a 400m track near our place so the fact I am pure SHITHOUSE at running around it has now become a point of focus for me. Hell, Ill be bent if I am not going to prove to my boyfriend that I CAN and WILL be able to work towards running outdoors without stopping for 10kms. I know it won't happen overnight and I know it will take time and dedication but I am in a really good headspace right now and am DERTERMINED to make it happen.

Where do I stand now? Well I'd be lucky to run 1km without stopping, so you can see I have a LONG way to go. There is some method a good mate has told me about ..From the Couch to 5kms... Im going to check it out and start implementing it. I won't go overboard just adding 3 outdoor runs to my weekly routine.

I am so PUMPED & MOTIVATED to look good & feel great come AMERICA!

Love SS

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Mr.Olympia 2012

I am BEYOND excited now that we have purchased our Silver tickets for the 2012 Mr.Olympia! If googling pictures all day long of fit; fierce and athletic looking girls wasn't motivation enough for me then the thought of walking around in Vegas during THE greatest bodybuilding show and not feeling out of place has GOT to be the kick in the arse that I need.

The line up is incredible and this 4 day event is going to no doubt live up to the expectations I have. Whilst the mens line up will be impressive I cannot wait to see the bikni line up. Syke Taylor is the girl I am backing. She is the one that I cannot wait to meet and the one I know will inspire me to keep training hard and eating clean.

If I continue training hard with my trainer James the way I have been over the past 9 weeks then I know I will be in the BEST shape ever come America ... however - if I don't control my eating and work harder on cutting out sugar it really could hinder my results.

With a new week ahead and still a long way ahead of me to achieving my goal I spoiled myself with a new Ipod & heaps of new training tracks - its the cutest thing ... new gym clothes .... a girl has to feel good and look good when working up a sweat - and last but not least proper boxing equipment ... I am taking my cardio to the next level.


Love SS

Monday, February 27, 2012

Sugar is Evil!

It's true what they say; SUGAR IS EVIL!!

I'm two months into my 'healthier eating & regular exercise' way of life and whilst I have had NO  trouble at all sticking to the exercise part of things ... the food is another story. Getting up, training hard is easy - I love the feeling of training and knowing I have been active for the day. One thing I have noticed is that there is one common ground of EVIL that keeps creeping its way in.. that is SUGAR.

I can eat healthy for 5 days straight - Ill have really clean meals with chicken or fish for protein - salads with little dressing etc but come the weekend without fail I get overtaken by temptation. It usually comes in the form of creamy carmel Copenhagen ice-cream ... some rich and super decident dessert after dining out or simply a golden Twix bar.

The other hard thing is that 'refined sugar' is in SO many foods that you often think you are eating something fairly clean - yet its not. Unless you buy raw ingredients and cook it yourself, you really can't tell. Hell - I only realised the other day that alot of Thai food comes with added sugars in their sauces. Seriously, you might as well drink a can of coke at times!

Anyone who cuts the 'bitch' out of their diet will notice one; some or all of the following withdrawal symptoms:

1. Mood Swings
2. Headaches
3. Sleep patterns affected
4. Fatigue
5. Sugar cravings

I need to step up my WILL POWER and really take it one step further with cutting out the refined rubbish - I know my results will skyrocket by doing so but its not just about that ... when you read the affects that sugar has on your body its disgusting and scary. If you haven't yet researched it, then you really should. Try starting with GOOGLE - the pages are endless.

If you have any great ideas to 'Ditch the Bitch' then let me know ... she's a hard one to kick to the curb.

Love SS

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Vital Greens - Superfood

It has been a little while since my last post but I can assure you I have not fallen off the wagon .. in fact I have been kicking goals!

I have continued to consistantly train with my trainer 4 days a week - I then have the 1 or 2 solo sessions and allow myself a min of 1 complete rest day. In such a short time my strength has improved dramatically - from stuggling to do squats with just the bar to comfortably squatting reps of 10 at a weight of 60kilos. This is a HUGE achievement for me. All areas of weight training I have increased my strength levels and even my recovery time is improving.

My trainer has got me onto a new product - Vital Greens. I don't take multivitamins as I just don't like them but strangely enough this product I am enjoying. I will warn you it looks putrid but it actually tastes like bubblegum. I simply mix 2 heaped teaspoons in water first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and I knock it back like a shot. 

I genuinely feel fresh and clear headed off it - now maybe it just because I am believing it is working or maybe it actually is having a positive effect on me - either way I give this product the thumbs up!

Vital Greens is a nutrient and enzyme-rich, complete "Superfood" which contains 76 nutrients essential to deliver optimal health, energy and vitality to every cell in the body.

Vital Greens Product Summary

  • Maximum absorption and bio-availability of nutrients in this form compared to tablets and capsules.
  • Comprehensive, synergistic 76 ingredients.
  • Majority of nutrients are food sourced.
  • Certified organic ingredients.
  • Correct ratio of minerals and trace elements.
  • Enhances acid/alkaline balance.


Vital Greens works as a:
  • Detoxifier/Cleanser - detoxifying and gently cleansing your colon, liver and working on every single cell in the body. The unique combination of nutrients will help your body progressively eliminate waste which builds up on the bowel walls, cleansing the liver which is the body's main filter organ and emulsify fat helping to maintain healthy cholesterol and blood pressure levels.
  • Energiser/Alkaliser - Vital Greens contains many superfoods to help give you more energy, feel more vibrant and less sluggish and stressed. Alkalinity is promoted which results in feeling more balanced and alive!
  • Well-Being Promoter - Vital Greens contains potent antioxidants, adaptogenic herbs boosting stamina, endurance and the immune system. Powerful phyto-nutrients building health from the very basics of the cell. There are no less than 2 pro-biotics in Greens.
  • Mental Acuity Sharpener - Vital Greens contains Lecithin, Rosemary and Co-Enzyme Q-10 which may help increase mental acuity, focus and concentration.


  • The essential nutrients include naturally occurring whole food source vitamins and both macro and trace minerals. Together with powerful antioxidants, pro-biotics for intestinal health, essential amino acids, essential fatty acids (both Omega 3 and 6), digestive enzymes, cell pigments, plant sterols and fibres.
  • The great tasting powder form ensures maximum absorption and enzyme activity. Up to 3 times more nutrients are absorbed this way compared to tablets and capsules.
  • All these nutrients combine synergistically to provide a true superfood; a balanced nutritional support from real food that's alive instead of synthetically made vitamin pills.
  • This combination will supply the body with the raw material it needs daily for optimum health and vitality.

Love SS

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Caveman/Paleo Eating Plan

80% of the time my diet is comprised of the above - the Caveman diet - otherwise known as Paleo.

I was talking about it with my boyfriend today because his mate forwarded him a great pciture overview of it (below). I have been eating this way consistantly for the past few years and it helps me maintain my shape. For the times I need to 'tighten' up a little I simply increase it from 80% to 95%. 

The best part about this eating plan (I loathe the word diet) is that its practical; easy; maintainable and fun. I say fun because once you get into it you really can become quiet creative in the way that you cook. One of my new favourite meals which I got from Ricki-Lee is Brocollini Bolognaise - you make a bolognaise sauce using fresh lean mince; garlic; onion; herbs; fresh diced tomatoes and whatever else you may put in that is 'Paleo' then you simply steam Brocollini instead of pasta and use that as your 'core' ingredient. It is HEAVEN!

The Caveman . Paleo System basically it goes something like this:

This isn't for everyone - at the end of the day you gotta find out what works for you. I love the simplicity of it - that includes my grocery shopping! Again, 80% of my trolley is the above. At the moment I am loving trying new vegies to come up with creative salads. This month I am hooked on Chineese Cabage & Bean Sprouts .... I am using it in nearly every salad I make but I'll alter the remaining ingredients like; roast pumpkin; grilled zuchinni; mushrooms; grilled chicken; cucumber; olives and the list goes on :)

The other beauty of this eating plan is that you really only have to maintain walking around 30 mins a day - that is if you ARE truly following it. So where possible park your car further away and walk that little bit extra to work - Take the stairs as oppose to the lift .... you know the rest I don't need to rehash it.

When you think about how food has progressed over time with preservatives and additives, it really is quiet sickening. It is no wonder our world is polluted with so much ill health.

Remember if you keep it simple it will be easier to maintain.
Focus on all the delicious things you CAN have rather then what you can't.
Be Creative - you will even suprise yourself I'm sure of it.
You spend $$ servicing your car & no doubt putting in the best petrol - so spend $$ on what you fuel yourself with. Don't go cheap buy the better cuts of meat and spoil yourself with yummy fruit & veg.

Love SS

Saturday, January 28, 2012

My Balance or Your Balance?

I am a few days off of getting through the first month of the year having stayed committed to my goals. I feel great knowing that so far all my goals and statements I placed on my vision board are truly well underway to getting a tick mark against them.

6 days a week I jump out of bed at 5:30am to hit the gym with my trainer by 6. My body has defintely started to take shape. My strength has improved week by week. I even blow myself away as to how much I have developed in such a short time. I still have not found the perfect balance with my life. Not with my exercise; eating; workload - not with anything. I don't think this is something you can discover overnight - it takes time.

One thing I have discovered is that I am LOVING having more 'me' time. I take weekly time out to get a mani&pedi; get my hair done or a massage. I even find buying a mag and chilling on the couch with silence around me refreshing.

I think the biggest challenge in life is to not allow other peoples 'opinions' sway your own. I have already had people say to me that they think I am over doing my exercise but I disagree. I am after all still in remission for Breast Cancer. I'm also in menapause so weight training is needed to help increase my bone density. As for exercising 6 days it helps me keep happy and positive. I loathe that feeling of being stuck to the couch because I feel bloated; lazy and fat.

I recently turned 31 and for me, my life is just getting started and I am going to live it my way!

Love SS