Saturday, January 28, 2012

My Balance or Your Balance?

I am a few days off of getting through the first month of the year having stayed committed to my goals. I feel great knowing that so far all my goals and statements I placed on my vision board are truly well underway to getting a tick mark against them.

6 days a week I jump out of bed at 5:30am to hit the gym with my trainer by 6. My body has defintely started to take shape. My strength has improved week by week. I even blow myself away as to how much I have developed in such a short time. I still have not found the perfect balance with my life. Not with my exercise; eating; workload - not with anything. I don't think this is something you can discover overnight - it takes time.

One thing I have discovered is that I am LOVING having more 'me' time. I take weekly time out to get a mani&pedi; get my hair done or a massage. I even find buying a mag and chilling on the couch with silence around me refreshing.

I think the biggest challenge in life is to not allow other peoples 'opinions' sway your own. I have already had people say to me that they think I am over doing my exercise but I disagree. I am after all still in remission for Breast Cancer. I'm also in menapause so weight training is needed to help increase my bone density. As for exercising 6 days it helps me keep happy and positive. I loathe that feeling of being stuck to the couch because I feel bloated; lazy and fat.

I recently turned 31 and for me, my life is just getting started and I am going to live it my way!

Love SS

Friday, January 20, 2012

It's a state of mind....


I have this mentality as the quote says above - I am in total control of 'CREATING' my own life! I am so focussed on all my goals, so much so I am even suprising myself!

I wake up 6 days a week at 530am - I train with my trainer 4 x a week soley focussing on weights sessions followed by my own cardio blitz + twice a week I have 2 sole cardio interval sessions. I also have 1 complete rest day.

I don't even think about waking up or training now, its now a habit. I am also loving the fact I find myself ready to snooze by 9 - 930pm the latest every night.

Eating wise is great - I just eat clean. My body has adapted to having less fatty and sugary foods. Last night I went out for my sisters going away drinks and I treated myself to a cocktail. There was so much sugar in it and whilst at first it was yum - soon it turned to sickly. It was the only drink I had all night and I woke up feeling queezy. I think my moods have also really settled and without so many preservatives I find myself really balanced and energised.

Mentally I am 'switched on' too. I just don't care to sweat the small stuff. When you don't allow other peoples choices in life bother you - and when you don't get moody over things that may not go according to plan you end up finding that life is actually sweeter.

If you haven't started living a happier; healthier and joyous life then perhaps you should really take note of the below quote and start making changes.

 Love SS

Saturday, January 7, 2012

AB Workout

Abs would have to be the workout I loathe the most. I have always had really weak abs and can barely do a standard crunch or sit up. This does have to do with my spine but still I can admit my abs are my weakest body part.

I have created an ab workout that helps me train them hard but at the same token I can get the workout over and done with quickly. It's intense and I feel like throwing up but I can already see the results taking form.
Its a circuit where I jump from one 'station' to another without rest. Once I have completed the circuit I then take a 1.30 - 2 min recovery break depending on how spent I am. I do 6 super sets.

I hold the plank for 45sec - 1 min - I alternate each time - once with a ball then without. At the moment I can only hold the ball for a 30sec hold but am working on improving that.

20 solid form crunches

This is one of my fav ab exercises (yes I have one) I do 15 reps

20 reps with a 6 kilo weighted ball

20 reps of the good old bicycle crunch

10 reps of the roman chair

This workout really is a killer ... each time I do it (3 times a week) I change the order in which I do it so my body doesn't become complacent.

Enjoy :)

Love SS


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Jaime Oliver Who?

A HUGE part of your health & wellbeing is all about what you put into your body. I neglected for a very long time to take notice of the side effects certain foods / drinks + vitamins had on me.

Previously in my mind i would focus on the words like 'Diet' 'Fatty' 'Sugar' 'Bad' etc and strangely enough it made me want those types of food even more. I didn't pay attention to the fact those foods were actually making me feel bloated, moody and tired - not to mention sloppy.

I read an interview with Ricki-Lee and she talked about how she focuses on all the amazing foods she can have that are good for her and by doing this she doesn't feel the need to binge or struggle through eating clean as it doesn't  have that 'retrictive' conitation to it. Over the past 4 weeks I've put into practice just that.

I go shopping and allow myself to go crazy in the fresh produce section. I don't hold back, I load my trolley with a range of amazing new fruits, vegetables and proteins with no idea in mind as to what I will actually cook. All I know is that I'm setting up my kitchen for a week of 'MasterChef Mystery Pantries'.

I then spend the rest of my day googling new recipie ideas and looking through cookbooks just to gather some inspiration. I love getting in the kitchen and creating new meals. A brilliant one I got from Ricki-Lee was a Spaghetti sauce (I use pork mince; fresh tomatoes; red onion; garlic; fresh herbs + chilli) and rather then pouring it over pasta I pour it over freshly steamed broccoli. This dish is super hearty and one of my FAVOURITES!

Eating healthy doesn't have to be boring, you just have to get CREATIVE!

Salads are a big part of my lunch or dinner time menu so it is important I keep changing it up. One great salad I love to make is made up of fresh steamed green beans; red onions; walnuts; hard boiled eggs - sliced + roasted tomatoes - YUM!

Yesterday it was chicken + mushroom salad on the menu.

The main thing is to use FRESH ingredients. Use herbs and spices to really alter the flavours and have fun with coming up with new ideas that are low fuss. You don't need to be Jaime Oliver to cook amazing, delicious, moreish meals! If you have any great recipies please send them through!

Love SS

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Preperation is key.

A big part of setting yourself up for success is getting your surroundings and foundation rock solid. Part of that is ensuring you are constantly drawing on 'motivation' & 'inspiration'. Whatever and whoever that may be.

As the famous saying goes: 'By failing to prepare you are preparing to fail.' This couldn't be more true. This doesn't just stand by making sure all your meals are preplanned or thought about in advance; it is not just about scheduling all your gym + recovery sessions but it also stands for preparing your surroundings. If you're goals are health & fitness related which majority of mine are for 2012, then some simple ones to think about and get into place asap are the following:

*Vision Board - like my previous post mentioned, get a bunch of magazines or get online and create a 'visual' element to what you are wanting to achieve. If you can't be arsed putting in the effort then atleast write down your goals on a piece of paper and stick it up on the wall so it SMACKS you in the face every morning. Keep your eye on the prize!

*Surround yourself with likeminded people - find gym buddies or friends who are wanting to achieve similar results. Hit the gym together or just get active. Whilst its more fun when a bunch of you can all go for the same goal remember that at the end of the day its YOUR goal - don't get side tracked. Surrounding yourself with likeminded people is something that is too often overlooked. Being within company of people who are negative will only bring you down, or have you second guessing yourself. Don't allow yourself to get drawn into others negativity or view on what should be your goal. Screw them, this is your life and what is important to you may not be important to others, just keep focussed on what YOU want!

*Get online and get connected!! There is a massive amount of online forums; social media and fitness sites (or others if your goals are say saving for a house; travel etc). It's fun and a great way to meet new people with similar interest from all over the world.

*Subscribe - if can subscibe to a relevant magazine for your goal then do it! It will keep you excited and informed with new information. I am a lover of Oxygen magazine!

*Find Inspirations in people - be it famous or friends. I have a bunch - some one twitter like: @missemilyskye - @AmberLWalker - @JessMalaholin or some big names like: Jamie Eason & Jennifer Nicole Lee.

*Pictures - take photos of yourself or your bank balance or even that passport that has no stamps + be accountable for change. Monitor your progress however you like - in a diary; via a blog.

*Tools - if you can buy the necessary products and tools you need - gym gear; suppliments; open a savings account; see a financial planner - whatever it is, the tools you need to succeed and don't allow yourself to be roadblocked with excuses cause something is 'missing'.

*Mindset - you need to get your mindset right more than anything - you need to remember that no matter what you're goal is you need to start thinking the right way. Its not about 'losing weight' .. that indicates you are intending on finding it in the future. It's not about 'paying off debt' that indicates that debt is a natural state. You need to change your mind to positive affirmations and make your goals a way of life. I am fit; I am healthy; I am strong.

*Work for it - Finally, it is all well and good to be prepared like the above but if you don't put the HARD WORK in - then you will not achieve your goals.

I've completed my legs + abs session for the day & now I am ready to enjoy the rest of my day with my family.

If you haven't already started on achieving your goals then get to it!


Love SS

Monday, January 2, 2012

2012 has finally arrived!!

Can you believe that 2012 is already here and well underway! With every new year comes new goals; new focus and new direction. I hate waiting for the 1st of Jan to actually get started - I tend to think if you wait till then you are well and truly on you're way to failing. It becomes more of a 'thing' that everyone does; making NY resolutions as oppose to really setting true goals for yourself.

Lucky for me I got started on my birthday - Dec 2nd. A month on and I am really pleased with the way I am tracking. With everything I have been through in my 31 years I want to focus more on 'ME". It may sound selfish but how can you truly give everyone around you the 'BEST' of you, if you never make time to get there?

My 'Healthy Every After' is a journey on me gaining ultimate health from the inside out. It's not just about looking good, its about feeling good. All my goals are connected in some way. Even if you don't see how - I do and that's the main thing :)

So what are my goals, you ask? Here goes:

Within 12 months I WILL achieve:

*Spending loads more fun times with my son
*Having another awesome; loving year with my partner Rami + my family/friends
*Saying yes more - no more 'hermit' - getting out of my comfort zone
*Saving an 'undisclosed amount' that I have written down on paper
*Working smarter not harder and continuing to build MazeInc
*Starting an online business ...of some sort
*Being able to run 5km within 30 mins - Outdoors
*Being able to do 10 strong steady man pushups ( I can do them now but I want to be able to do them with real ease + solid form)
*5 non assisted dips
*5 non assisted close grip chin ups
*Bench 40 kgs for 6 reps
*12%Body Fat
*Travel Overseas for 5 weeks

Pretty big list right? Yep but why not! There is no point only setting yourself 'comfortable' goals, where is the challenge in that?

I'm on holidays for another week and yet today I still managed to jump out of bed at 530am to hit the gym - I feel amazing & I am loving that I have SO much of my day left. I am over the days of sleeping my time away.

If you haven't already then get cracking on making a vision board ... I'm nearly done. Focus on it every day and manifest on what you're goals are. Show gratitude for all of that in which you have already and keep dreaming for that of which you aim to achieve.

Life is too short to to be settled - get positive and aim for more because you deserve it :)

Love SS