I am a few days off of getting through the first month of the year having stayed committed to my goals. I feel great knowing that so far all my goals and statements I placed on my vision board are truly well underway to getting a tick mark against them.
6 days a week I jump out of bed at 5:30am to hit the gym with my trainer by 6. My body has defintely started to take shape. My strength has improved week by week. I even blow myself away as to how much I have developed in such a short time. I still have not found the perfect balance with my life. Not with my exercise; eating; workload - not with anything. I don't think this is something you can discover overnight - it takes time.
One thing I have discovered is that I am LOVING having more 'me' time. I take weekly time out to get a mani&pedi; get my hair done or a massage. I even find buying a mag and chilling on the couch with silence around me refreshing.
I think the biggest challenge in life is to not allow other peoples 'opinions' sway your own. I have already had people say to me that they think I am over doing my exercise but I disagree. I am after all still in remission for Breast Cancer. I'm also in menapause so weight training is needed to help increase my bone density. As for exercising 6 days it helps me keep happy and positive. I loathe that feeling of being stuck to the couch because I feel bloated; lazy and fat.
I recently turned 31 and for me, my life is just getting started and I am going to live it my way!
Love SS