Monday, January 2, 2012

2012 has finally arrived!!

Can you believe that 2012 is already here and well underway! With every new year comes new goals; new focus and new direction. I hate waiting for the 1st of Jan to actually get started - I tend to think if you wait till then you are well and truly on you're way to failing. It becomes more of a 'thing' that everyone does; making NY resolutions as oppose to really setting true goals for yourself.

Lucky for me I got started on my birthday - Dec 2nd. A month on and I am really pleased with the way I am tracking. With everything I have been through in my 31 years I want to focus more on 'ME". It may sound selfish but how can you truly give everyone around you the 'BEST' of you, if you never make time to get there?

My 'Healthy Every After' is a journey on me gaining ultimate health from the inside out. It's not just about looking good, its about feeling good. All my goals are connected in some way. Even if you don't see how - I do and that's the main thing :)

So what are my goals, you ask? Here goes:

Within 12 months I WILL achieve:

*Spending loads more fun times with my son
*Having another awesome; loving year with my partner Rami + my family/friends
*Saying yes more - no more 'hermit' - getting out of my comfort zone
*Saving an 'undisclosed amount' that I have written down on paper
*Working smarter not harder and continuing to build MazeInc
*Starting an online business ...of some sort
*Being able to run 5km within 30 mins - Outdoors
*Being able to do 10 strong steady man pushups ( I can do them now but I want to be able to do them with real ease + solid form)
*5 non assisted dips
*5 non assisted close grip chin ups
*Bench 40 kgs for 6 reps
*12%Body Fat
*Travel Overseas for 5 weeks

Pretty big list right? Yep but why not! There is no point only setting yourself 'comfortable' goals, where is the challenge in that?

I'm on holidays for another week and yet today I still managed to jump out of bed at 530am to hit the gym - I feel amazing & I am loving that I have SO much of my day left. I am over the days of sleeping my time away.

If you haven't already then get cracking on making a vision board ... I'm nearly done. Focus on it every day and manifest on what you're goals are. Show gratitude for all of that in which you have already and keep dreaming for that of which you aim to achieve.

Life is too short to to be settled - get positive and aim for more because you deserve it :)

Love SS

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